Sunday, April 1, 2007

Approaching Typhoon Sunday

You all may not hear from us for a few days. The locals say that 90% of approaching typhoons (hurricanes) veer off. But this one is headed directly for us, and is supposed to hit at 1 am Tuesday morning, which is Monday afternoon on the east coast.

Anyhow, we are in a concrete house, with aluminum storm shutters for the windows, and this house has survived all that the weather has to "dish out" without any problems. We've stocked up on water, but I think this will be an interesting experience. They told us to expect that most of the flowers and foliage will be stripped bare after the storm, so we have been trying to stock up on scenic photos!

'm posting a few "storm preparation photos". We helped a friend insert her storm shutters before she left town on a business trip. It was a very interesting thing to see. There are two kinds - the automatic kind that you just pull shut, and a "slat" type of arrangement where you insert each individual metal slate into the window. That's the kind this is. No panic like stateside - just a "ho-hum, another typhoon!". Took a few nice pictures from Pilar's condo windows before we "boarded them up" for the impending storm.

Oh yeah - Werner harvested a few bananas from the tree in our yard before the wind would have taken them down.

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