Although I am writing this from home at this point, I wanted to tell you all about the last several days of our trip!
It was an action-packed last couple of days!
On Monday, we were supposed to ride on the Atlantis Submarine. Unfortunately, it was not to be, as they had mechanical problems and would not take us out. Still . . . this is a worthy thing to do should you decide to visit Guam. It's a bit pricey, so budget for it, but how often does one get the opportunity to get shuttled out to a submarine, via boat, and then take a sub ride down to a coral reef?! There are observation windows along the sides where one can observe the coral and stunning displays of fish. This is a one-time opportunity, and I just WISH we had gotten to go! The photos on the brochure looked pretty neat! Unfortunately, since this was our next to last day on Guam, there was no way to reschedule!
We then had to find other things to do. So we headed back to town to drop me off at the Guam library, where I spent a good portion of the day updating the previous posts you just read! :-) On the way back, we stopped at the Guam Harley shop. It opened a mere 7 years ago, and I understand it took the owner quite a bit of convincing to get Harley Davidson to let him open a dealership on the small island! Still, there is so much military personnel here, and Harley's are popular with them. I think it's working out pretty well. But tee-shirts were $25-$35, so we settled for pictures! :-) We decided that next time, we would take along a York Harley Manufacturing plant shirt, available easily to us for under $20, and then TRADE the local shop owner for one of their shirts! We think that might work! :-) The manufacturing plant shirts are always regarded as a prize!
One final picture we took was our last trip to get drinking water. Guam has very good water for an island/seashore environment. They have fresh water wells that merely need to be chlorinated per U.S. law, alhtough they are loaded with calcium from the coral bed. However, the locals don't much like chlorine. In addition, when a typhoon strikes and the power goes out, water is a MAJOR issue at that point. Thus, these bottled water Mom & Pop shops have sprung up over the island. They do a booming business. They filter the local water on premise, and charge a fraction of the price as compared to $2.75/gallon at the local groceries! We only had to pay 30 cents a gallon by buying at these shops. You just have to have empty jugs, or else buy some empty jugs from the vendors. They sell them at these shops.
So, don't forget, if you go to Guam, frequent these types of water shops for the freshest, cheapest water on the island!
Anyhow, Monday afternoon we packed out suitcases. We are leaving at Wednesday noon, and this way, we have lots of time for some last minute tourism on Tuesday!
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